White Spirit

White Spirit represents purity, clarity and energy. We are a company that prides itself on the finest qualities for you to enjoy. We started as a massage salon, so finding the right ingredients for our clients was of utmost importance to us.

Our Story

The name ‘White Spirit’ represents the white aura, purity, clarity and energy. Through our journey in life, we travel different paths and with each direction we can take on new or different auras. This is a good thing as it means we are moving forward, developing who we are as an individual and what it is that we want to strive for. Our ultimate aim is to reach for the white pure aura; but that happens slowly, bit by bit, and by always working and striving towards that goal. Over time we can develop this and enhance it to our fullest potential being the god or the goddess within.

White Spirit is a company that prides itself on the finest qualities for you to enjoy.
We started as a massage salon, so finding the right ingredients for our clients was of utmost importance to us.

Our focus was on the sacred art of  Meditational Massage releasing celestial energy. Embracing the physical and spiritual realms in unity and harmonising energies in intimacy. Our core vision is to guide people in understanding the spirituality of this sacred massage and the tools to connect energies, enabling healing both spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

On our travels, we found that this also incorporated so much more. We helped to soothe sore muscles, relieve stress and tension, to breathe in and relax, and to help empower the God of Goddess within. We feel that we have accomplished this, and now extend our products to you, to help you on your journey, so that now everyone can fulfill and satisfy the White Spirit within them.

Please enjoy our range of massage oils, Sore Muscle Range, Midnight Whispers Range, and the Enlightenment Massage Range.


purity clarity wellness
White Spirit represents purity, clarity and energy.

Bringing Our Products to Life

White Spirit’s products are about allowing yourself to feel beautiful and reaching the God or Goddess within. We created massage oils with different ingredients and separated the ranges, intended to reach each individual at their stage of life. White Spirit hopes that it can help to give an element of energy and excitement within an individual or a couple and to bring your body and mind to another level. By heightening your senses and connecting your energies we hope that now everyone can fulfill and satisfy the White Spirit within them.

Please enjoy our range of massage oils to help you on your Journey, Sore Muscle Range, Midnight Whispers Range, and the Enlightenment Massage Range.